Need Help With Day-to-Day Finances?

Choose our daily money management service in Lubbock, TX and Amarillo, TX

As you get older, making financial decisions gets increasingly difficult. C-Y Faithful Stewardship with Your Money is here to help. We understand that finances can be frustrating, so we offer a daily money management program to assist you with decision making. The first step is to arrange a free phone call between you and any guardians. We'll discuss the services we can perform and come up with a plan that works for you.

Need help with debt or spending? We provide a simple debt reduction plan that'll put you back on track.

Choose our personal daily money management service today to keep your financial goals on track.

The services we provide

You can count on us for effective money management. Turn to us for help with:

  • Online bill payment
  • Reconciling account statements
  • Monitoring fraudulent activity
  • Spending and debt reduction plans
  • Tax and important document organization
  • Emergency financial backup planning
  • Mail management

At the end of each month, we'll compile a report that summarizes the services we performed.

Contact us today to take control of your day-to-day finances.